Monday, October 30, 2006

Despicable Bush
Tom Hutchings

Ho Chi Minh City - 31 October 2006

Bush, on Monday, responding to critics of his "let's lie about WMD to start my personal war," said "terrorists win and America's loses" if Democrats prevail in winning Congress. This supreme idiot, while loudly trying to export American politics and so-called democracy is the antithesis of what democracy is. There should be reasoned dialogue, but the Idiot-in-Chief is using fear, and a declining bases of conservative fundamentalist christians, to hold on to his power. How frickin' pathetic is that? To say terrorists will win if Democrats take over Congress is the epitome of stupidity and arrogance. Of course, I'm not a fan of the Democrat Party, either. They're in bed along with Republicans with Corporate America. But, at least they'll kiss you after......


Blogger thomashutchings said... Spectator, here is a link to one of the state run newspapers. Go ahead and search and you'll find reports criticising officials who have been taking bribes, used women for prostitution and absconded with public funds for gambling. Read the editorials of the paper and you'll find that Viet Nam is sincerely trying to uncover malfeasance in the government and is being open about it. Unlike the US, and the hypocritical GOP and Dems. More so,however, is Bush's attempts to quell unfavorable reports, at times. Besides, Viet Nam, a bit despondent after not getting the full sobriquet of "free market economy" will be joining the WTO later this week, or early next week. The point is that the US/Bush/GOP/Corporate entity has become the bully around the world. Viet Nam is headed more towards a democracy as the US runs away from it. The US's practice of torture, secret prisons, objections to persons having access to attornies and the selective ban on habeas corpus is something that Americans should be fighting. You may recall that a recent poll of several countries around the world place Bush ahead of Osama bin Laden and Kim Jun-il of North Korea as the most dangerous threat to global peace. Need I say more in this comment. I trust you'll be voting this Tuesday. Thomas Hutchings

4:42 PM  

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