Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Overcooked Rice
Tom Hutchings

War of the Words: Believe it or not (with apologies to Ripley)

Thomas Hutchings
11 October 2006

Ho Chi Minh City - Today, USA Today reported the following statement by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice:
President Bush, Rice said, has told "the North Koreans that there is no
intention to invade or attack them. So they have that guarantee. ... I don't
know what more they want."

The last time anyone checked, Bush, Rice and one can include Rumsfeld and the rest of the criminal gang, that their words lack any meaning to the rest of the world.

Rember, it was this same administration that lied about Iraq's connection with Al Queda when a majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. The gang insisted that Iraq was preparing to launch weapons of mass destruction against the United States. It fabricated lies about Iraq's attempt to buy uranium. It lied, it lied, it lied.

So, now, Condy, you want the world to believe you when you parrot your boss who says that the US has no intention to invade or attack North Korea? Maybe, and I hope it is true. But.....any military action against North Korea would simply be another blatant lie to the rest of the world. I truly hope the US doesn't take military action.


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