Saturday, January 13, 2007

Man Gone Mad
Tom Hutchings

A view from overseas: America’s quagmire in Iraq

By Thomas A. Hutchings
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

A recent poll conducted after Mr. George W. Bush’s speech calling for additional troops to be sent to Iraq indicates 70% of Americans are opposed to this plan. The US military’s storming of an Iranian consulate in the northern Iraqi town of Irbil and its inability to effectively confront the violence in Iraq demonstrates a War Gone Mad and pursued by a Man Gone Mad.

The Friday 1/12/07 Opinion in USA Today states the “Criticism comforts enemy.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The authors, Andrew C. McCarthy and Clifford May, believe that Bush’s war-fighting abilities should not be micro-managed. They surmise that America must and shall win in Iraq for to do otherwise would mean a moral defeat for America and a guarantee of more terrorism and more dead American citizens. Perhaps Mssrs McCarthy and May should climb out from under their covers and face the real world.

It was the intentional lies by George W. Bush and his administration’s act of aggression to invade Iraq in the first place. America’s own intelligence community has clearly stated that world terrorism increased dramatically due to the invasion of Iraq. Instead of lessenig world terrorism, Bush is throwing gas on the flames of terrorism.

Criticising the US Government is a right and privilege of every citizen. The US now has the most opaque government led by a man completely incompetent to represent America. Iraq is cool to Bush’s plan, England will be reducing their troop strength and America would best be served to begin pulling out of Iraq immediately. Those who demand that America stay in Iraq are mere jingoistic, moronic sychophants of a lying president.


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